takes two to tango

Monday, February 18, 2008

lousy day.

I just thought I'd let you all know that I had my outline defense today.
Outline, yes, first three chapters.
And yes, I began my thesis June last year and it's already February.

Well needless to say, I won't be graduating this semester.
I've already cried it out. Didn't help though because I still feel crummy.
I've done so much work from the beginning of the school year and I know that I still can't finish my thesis in this month alone.

I refuse to dwell on the "if only's". Like, if only I didn't get that prof as my adviser, or if only he'd only started checking our papers earlier this year, or if only I didn't pick that topic, or if only I just took an MBA instead I would've been done already and would have graduated cum laude...

To top it off, I lost my 1Gb flash drive--the one given to me, along with the M&M World key chain given to me as well. Good thing I have a spare flash drive and copies of my thesis and defense presentation in my computer. I cried about it and lost my appetite last night.

It sucks. It really does. But like Mommy said after my presentation, "If you can't do what you want, you do what you can."

I've wanted to graduate so badly, and it just came crashing down like that.
Even after my adviser congratulated me on a good defense, I didn't feel like celebrating at all.
So I just keep telling myself that if I don't get it done, I'll keep at it even if I'm living out of the country already. Believe me, it'd be a wonderful way out, but I want that diploma.

Sigh... I'll get to work some time this week. I wanna get as much as I can get done before this school year ends.
posted by glady at 2/18/2008 09:10:00 PM 0 comments