takes two to tango

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The hitchhiker's answers to whatever

I'm home.

My, my. It's been a while since my last entry, hasn't it? My apologies.
Well, let's start my mid-year off with a tribute to trogladites, transportation, and the ultimate reason why I am home on a hot Tuesday night.

Some folks seem to think that at my age--which has stayed the same since 1999, I should be allowed to have a boyfriend. As an answer to those poor unfortunate souls who are unhappy with their own relationships--or lack of--and have nothing better to do than to pick on others whom they think are in a more pitiful state than they are (i.e. trogladites) : why, yes, I do have a boyfriend; and yes, I'm very happy and very spoiled in my relationship--I love you, baby! Thank you!; and yes, I probably have a more exciting sex life than they do with their unimaginative hormones.
So what if it took me a while to get into my second relationship? I'm picky. Fortunately, these poor unfortunate souls are few and can be disregarded.

There are also some others who think that at my age, I should be able to go out anytime I want to. My answer to that is: They haven't lived with my mom whose power carries over even in my sister's and her husband's house. When she's there, they live by her rules. Who cares if they're almost 40? They still might make stupid decisions that could ruin not only their lives but subsequently ruin others' lives as well. Since I live under her roof, I live under her rules. Which includes not going out at odd times in the night or going out without her permission.

Don't get me wrong, my mom will allow me to go out often enough--more often than some people I know. But, let me give you an exaggeration of her way of thinking:

1. A person doesn't need to see their friends that often. It's not like they're dying to help you. If they are your friends, they wouldn't let you go out/call you/bother you at this time of night.
2. Don't you know that there are rapists and idiots out there? People whom you think are your friends are just waiting to hand you over to them
or worse.
3. You have to wake up early tomorrow.
4. Not now, things are weird here at the house and we might need you here.
5. There's no one to drive you.

All logical if you think on it.

Ok, on to the next. There are also some people who think that I should be able to bring the car out. My answer: Aside from the aforementioned reason, Rolly boy fixed the driveway this past summer by adding a hump at the end of the driveway. Not exactly the easiest thing to push the car over . (Yes, I do push the car out because it's too noisy to start in the garage, but it's been months since I've gone and done that.) Not to mention, our area is way over on the other side of the moon--crater-filled and dark.

Finally, the answer to why I'm home on a hot Tuesday night: In my effort to reach a friend in need, I called a taxi service whose number I found on the internet because our car ran out of gas. Because I live on the other side of the moon, the drivers--yes plural--couldn't find their way to my place even after I called them 3 times and waited for 30 minutes each time. Oh I'm sure they're reliable in the day time, but during night and at our place, well I don't blame them.

So, tomorrow's another day--Wednesday.
Tomorrow, the car will be filled with gas.
Tomorrow, I'll be out to fulfill my promise and to post-celebrate my sister's birthday.

Ah.... Bliss....
posted by glady at 6/20/2007 12:52:00 AM 0 comments