takes two to tango

Sunday, February 06, 2005

it could be

It Could Be

It could be
The first person to walk through the door
Who makes your heart beat faster
Up to three times more

It could be
The first person you shared secrets with
Stuff you thought you'd never tell
But you just did

It could be
The one who took your parking space
Not even a single blink
On that calm face

It could be
The last person you'd think it would be
It could be you
It could be me
We'll never know
We'll just have to wait and see
posted by glady at 2/06/2005 01:38:00 AM 0 comments

not so simple, but maybe it is

Not So Simple, But Maybe It Is…

The phone stopped ringing.
I think I'm waiting for your call
But how do I talk to you
When I don't know you at all

Sitting down at the corner
Has made the room stop spinning
But how do I stand up again
When my sky's come down crashing

But it's getting better
With every ray of sun
Shining through my door
Yes, it's getting better
I know it's not like before
I just have to remember
I'm not sixteen anymore.
posted by glady at 2/06/2005 01:34:00 AM 0 comments



there was a time
i couldn't wait
when you'd be gone
i've forgotten that date
i had problems i couldn't solve
i hadn't known
it would revolve 'round you
i'm so confused
why can't it be
so comf't'ble
and so easy
just you and me
feelings have ways
of sneaking in
and warming up my heart within
about you and me
there'll be a time
i'm just not sure
when you're away
i'll find a cure
not to keep remembering
our feelings of
posted by glady at 2/06/2005 01:26:00 AM 0 comments