takes two to tango

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I was just working on my paper for school when I noticed that I was singing to a Christmas carol. Something my mom passed on to the whole family: our love for Christmas.

The Philippines has one of the loooongest Christmas celebrations. It starts as soon as you hit the "ber" months. You know, SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, and DecemBER. Malls are already dropping hints by playing Christmas carols in between the usual "Will the parents of a lost boy wearing a red shirt and maong shorts and white rubber shoes please come to the Customer Service area" and BSB or N'Sync replays.

Our family starts with our own tradition of putting the tree up. Yes, the plastic tree. Not the one you buy off the lot full of wonderful smelling pine. Hey, they last longer and we won't have to suffer the sight of dying trees that weren't picked during the season.

You'll never guess what color scheme our Christmas tree's going to be this year.

Green and Pink

Yes, yes. I know I have an aversion to the color pink; but I worked it in such a way that I figured the scheme's pink will be more of a fuchsia.

Ok, so some of you might think, "Hello? It's not even Halloween yet." Well, my family isn't big on celebrating Halloween. And our daily lives are scary enough. *snicker snicker*

We also have a tradition of having the tree up before my sister's birthday, which falls on the 28th of October. So even if my sister's already out of the house, we're still sticking to it.

Ok. Back to my school work. Thank goodness it isn't cramping my holiday spirit.

posted by glady at 10/10/2006 06:08:00 PM 0 comments