takes two to tango

Friday, March 12, 2004

"Sa totoo lang nagparebond ka noh?"

"'Di ah, shinampoo ko lang yan. Kayo, ha."

what's the fascination/obssession with having "San-Cai" straight hair? my officemates have a hair straightening iron as a permanent fixture in the office. And the girls offer to make plantsa each other's hair.

i myself enjoy having straight hair once in a while; but doesn't it get boring when you have straight hair day in and day out?

well, i'm about to find out. i'm going to have my hair rebonded in hong kong. (if i wasn't going to have it done, i was already planning on getting me one of those irons to spare me the hassle of blowdrying my hair straight whenever i feel like it.)

yeah, my sister says it's cheaper there. so i'm gonna look like a hongkee by may. whoopti doo.

i miss having longer hair. my hair's just passed my shoulders and it looks like the growing-out stage. i hate it when ever i have my hair cut then i neglect it for some time and the niceness of the hair cut disappears because it grew out. so since i'm headed to the US for april, my hair should grow about an inch more and it won't look so short when i have it rebonded. right?
posted by glady at 3/12/2004 01:18:00 PM 0 comments