takes two to tango

Thursday, March 04, 2004

water: the amazing insider secret

the human body is made up of 90% water.

now if i can only keep up this grueling task of drinking all this water without feeling like the water's going back up my throat.

i've been wracking the internet for sites that will tell me how to lose 5lbs in 3 days. and this is what i've proudly come up with:

"See. If you drink eight glasses of water (and add one glass for every 20 pounds of overweight you have) a day -- divided more or less evenly throughout the day -- your body will GIVE UP those 5-10 lbs. of water it currently RETAINS."

5-10 lbs! did you read that? wow... if i don't end up drowning myself, i could even lose 10 lbs of water!

how sad is that?
after that, i'll just have to start exercising and eating right. i have to start fitting into my clothes again.

agenda. phase one.
posted by glady at 3/04/2004 12:41:00 PM


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